Managing Your Data

Via the My Profile page you can also manage your personal data and statistics. The personal data includes user metrics, personal food and manually set nutrient requirements and upper limits. If you need just to modify personal data or delete some of it, the profile page provides you with links leading you to the pages where you can do it. If you need to delete your personal data all at once, you can do it right here, on the profile page, by pressing Delete All Data > Personal > Delete. At that, you should keep in mind that existing statistics calculated according to affected metrics and requirements will remain intact while the statistics related to your personal food will be deleted automatically. If you want to delete all your statistical data, you should go for Delete All Data > Statistical > Delete.

The next section concerns user statistics. By that we mean food diary records, information about your physical activity, day ratings on the My Day page, and also your nutrient intake/balance statistics and the correlations found. On the profile page, you have only one option pertaining to statistics: Delete All Data > Statistical > Delete. If you go for that, you should keep in mind that your personal data will remain intact, and you can delete it later or keep it. You can modify your statistical data only one way – by going to a selected day from the page My Day or My Stat with the help of a datepicker, and changing the information that you inputted back then. It could be changing the amount of the food you ate, or deleting a record in your food diary, or changing/deleting the day's rating or data on you physical activity. Anyway, your statistics will be recalculated according to the metrics and requirements applied that day.
