Personalized Requirements

Despite the wide acceptance of nutrient requirements summarized by the Institute of Medicine, some people may have a different view on the amount of nutrients they should consume. Maybe, they learned their needs from experience or just trust another source. Anyway, they have an option to create a personalized list of nutrient requirements and compare their intake against it.

The creation of the list is straightforward: from the My Profile page you follow the link "RDAs and ULs" and press the buton "Set". Then, you just fill desired values in the provided form specifying your daily needs and/or upper intake limits for a given component. If you don't specify any value, your need or limit for that component will be treated as non-existent. By the way, it's a perfect method for those who are interested in intake statistics only (i.e. without comparing it against calculated requirements) – just create your personal requirements list without specifying any values.

If you want to edit or delete you personal requirements, you can do it, again, via "RDAs and ULs" page. But please keep in mind that these actions are mostly not retroactive. It means they don't affect your previous statistics except for a present day. Anyway, the edited or typical requirements (which will be used in the case of your personal requirements deletion) can/will be applied only from the present day.

As you may notice, there is no input field for Energy in the provided form. If you want to set your energy (calorie) requirement manually, you can do it via My metrics page.
