Managing the Interface

VitaPro.Fit focuses on functionality and performance. That's why it offers only the most essential tools in terms of the interface customization. Basically, there are three settings:

  • Show Notifications

    The website usually notifies its users whether the operation they performed was successful or not. For example, was the food added to your food diary? Was the record changed? Why a given action was unsuccessful, and so on. Someone may find these pop-up messages annoying. If this is your case, you can disable them here. By default, notifications are enabled.

  • Redirect After Adding

    In order to add some food to your diary, you have to visit the purpose-built Page first. After your food is added, you have two main options: you either stay on the page to add another food or you leave the page and go to My Day page to examine your nutrient intake and balance for the given day. By default, the website automatically redirects you to My Day page after you have your food added, but here you can change this behaviour by disabling the option.

  • Show All Components

    As mentioned earlier, FoodData Central database lacks information on a number of important food components. However, there is a chance that this gap will be filled one day. Waiting for that to happen, gets itself ready to quickly integrate this information into its database. So it has reserved rows in the database for the missing components but for the time being filled them with zeros. It doesn't make much sense to show now this falsy values to users, therefore the website hides them by default. But there is a specific scenario in which you may want to see those rows now. We are talking about personal food. If users create their own food and are sure enough regarding its content in terms of missing components, they may specify those values. But in order to see those values in statistics, users have to enable the option "Show All Components" first. If you enable this option without creating your own food, you'll just see zero intake of previously hidden components and only if there are recommended requirements for them (initially or manually set). Otherwise you'll see nothing.
