Rounding off Values

For optimal page layout and aesthetic reasons, the website usually doesn't show to its users exact values or numbers since these are often too long, having up to 16 decimal places. Hence the rounding. As a common practice at, values could be rounded to 0-3 decimal places. There are no drawbacks when it comes to a single or independent value. But when it's not, little discrepancies might start to pop up. For example, the website shows for you the rounded values of your intake and your need but performs operations (subtraction, division, etc) on them using the real, unrounded values. Then the results are also rounded and only after that presented to you. This practice may sometimes lead to the situation where the presented difference between the presented numbers of you intake and your need may not be absolutely exact, deviating within the last decimal place. It's not an error – it's the way the website works. Another implication of the rounding concerns correlations. When a correlation coefficient is too close to zero, the rounding may result in a plot's trend line becoming not entirely representative sometimes.
