
The website's cookie policy is quite simple: uses only the cookies that are necessary for the website's proper functioning, nothing more. These include:

  • The guest identification cookie. Basically, this is a guest's inner serial number which is assigned without retrieving any information about the guest (like their OS, web browser, location, etc).
  • The registered user cookie which is based on the typical, unaltered in any way methods of the Flask framework.
  • The language choice cookie. You will receive it only if you change the website's language even once (by default it's english).
  • Google ads cookie/cookies.

As you can see, this policy leaves no room for things like cookie management: you either agree and continue to use the website, or disagree and (unfortunately) just leave the website, because you'll still get those cookies otherwise. You'll receive the notification about that when you visit the website for the first time. At that point, you have an option to leave the website deleting all the received cookies immediately.
